my ministry
Advocacy and activism
As Executive Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs for CHANGED Movement, I work to protect human rights for people across the world who have questioned (or are questioning) their sexuality (or gender) and have chosen not to embrace LGBTQ culture. This includes countering the increasingly invasive socio-political demands of “LGBTQIA+” and ensuring safety and warm fellowships of faith for those taking our journey. I work closely with think tanks and activists worldwide to inspire thoughtful approaches and visionary (socially conservative) language protecting First Amendment rights—for all people—so that Judeo-Christian heritage prevails.
I believe firmly that God is releasing answers and understanding for a kingdom-minded approach to sexuality that focusses upon the first commandment—to love. No doubt our generation will be held accountable for stewardship of that call.
I am committed to reaching into God’s grace for restoration both of human identity and a united Church, which is why I meet frequently with church leaders.
The issues of gender and sexuality are reshaping Western Christianity. By cultivating discussions among pastors and leaders, we experience clarity and understanding together for the sake of Christ.
“Elizabeth’s testimony and ministry brings hope for supernatural transformation from life dominating issues. With great grace and power she demonstrates how connection to the love of God reveals true identity, setting us free to be who we really are.”